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E-mails (English)

1st E-mail

Subject: Asking for a meeting

Dear Mr/Mrs,

We are writing you due to your marketing services and through this e-mail, we want to inform that we are thinking about hiring your services, so we would like to arrange a meeting to receive more information.

We have created a technological advance, described as “intelligent stock system”, and we think you would be the best enterprise to guide the process to enter the market, because we require an attractive marketing campaign.

About the meeting, our intention would be to visit your offices for the purpose of explaining our product and designing the campaign.

In case you are interested in this project we could get in touch with you by phone to fix a date and solve any doubt.

Looking forward to your reply.

Mikel Garma

Creative dept. TeknoPlus

1st E-mail image:

2nd E-mail

Dear Olatz

As you asked in the previously, the agenda is attached in this e-mail.

We will call you to confirm the date and the details of the meeting.

Looking forward to the meeting.

Mikel Garma

Creative Dept.

2nd E-mail image:

Attached file:

1st E-mail

Subject: Minutes

Dear Oltaz,

Here you have the minutes of the meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Attached file:

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